India - Economic Activities of the Tribals: NSS 44th Round, Schedule 29.2, July 1988 - June 1989
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-44Rnd-Sch29pt2-July1988-June1989 |
Year | 1988 - 1989 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Mar 10, 2016
Last modified
Mar 31, 2016
Page views
- Blocks 1, 5_househol
d characteristics - Block 6_demographic
particulars of house
hold member - Block 7_particulars
of assistance receiv
ed by the household
during last 3 year - Block 8_particulars
of land owned and po
ssessed - Block 9_particulars
of disposal of land
during last 5 years - Blocks 10, 12_input
items used for culti
vation during 1987-8
8 and particulars of
wage employment in
forestry operation - Block 11_particulars
of crops produced d
uring 1987-88 - Block 13_particulars
of forest produce c
ollected, consumed a
t home and sold by h
ousehold members dur
ing last 30 days as
self-employed - Block 14_particulars
of household enterp
rise (other than cul
tivation) during las
t 30 days - Block 15_particulars
of products (other
than forest products
) marketed during la
st 30 days - Block 16_inventory o
f assets owned on th
e date of survey - Block 17_particulars
of dues payable by
the household and tr
ansaction of loans d
uring last 365 days
Variable Groups
Household size
File: Blocks 1, 5_household characteristics
File: Blocks 1, 5_household characteristics
Continuous Format: numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 | Valid cases: 15814 Invalid: 0 |
A household is a group of persons who normally live together and take food from a common kitchen. However, a boarding house, a hotel or a hostel is treated as a cluster of households, where each individual boarder forms a separate household. If, however, a group of persons among them normally pooled their income for spending, they together are treated as constituting a single household. Barracks of military and paramilitary forces, orphanages and vagrant-houses are excluded from the scope of the survey.
Household size:
The size of a household is taken to be the number of members normally residing in it. This size includes temporary stay-aways but excludes temporary visitors and guests of the household.
A household is a group of persons who normally live together and take food from a common kitchen. However, a boarding house, a hotel or a hostel is treated as a cluster of households, where each individual boarder forms a separate household. If, however, a group of persons among them normally pooled their income for spending, they together are treated as constituting a single household. Barracks of military and paramilitary forces, orphanages and vagrant-houses are excluded from the scope of the survey.
Household size:
The size of a household is taken to be the number of members normally residing in it. This size includes temporary stay-aways but excludes temporary visitors and guests of the household.
Questions and instructions
Literal question
How many members are there in the household?
Interviewer instructions
Size of the sample household i.e. the total number of persons normally residing together (under the same roof) and taking food from the same kitchen (including temporary stay-aways and excluding temporary visitors) will be recorded against this item. Total number of normal resident members of the household will be considered as its size. The entry against this item will be equal to the last serial number in col. (1) of block 6.