India - Unincorporated Non-Agricultural Enterprises (Excluding Construction) - JULY 2015 - JUNE 2016, 73 round
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-73Rnd-Sch2.34-July2015-June2016 |
Year | 0 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - M/o Statistics and Programme Implementation(MOSPI),Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata | Documentation in PDF |
Created on
Mar 27, 2018
Last modified
Dec 14, 2020
Page views
- (Semi-Round-1)- Bloc
k 1-Identification o
f sample enterprises - (Semi-Round-1)- Bloc
k 2-Particulars of o
peration and backgro
und information - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
2pt1-Activities pur
sued by the enterpri
se during last 30 da
ys ended. - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
3-Principal operati
ng expenses during l
ast 30 days - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
4-Other operating e
xpenses during last
30 days - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
5-Principal receipt
s during last 30 day
s - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
6-Other receipts du
ring last 30 days - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
7-Calculation of gr
oss value added duri
ng last 30 days - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
8-Employment partic
ulars of the enterpr
ise during last 30 d
ays - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
9-Compensation to w
orkers during last 3
0 days. - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
10-Land and fixed a
ssets owned and hire
d as on the last dat
e of reference year
and monthly rent pay
able on hired assets - (Semi-Round-1)- Bloc
k 10pt1-Original val
ue of plant and mach
inery equipment - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
11- Loan outstandin
g as on last date of
the reference year - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
11pt1-The amount of
loan advanced by fi
nancial enterprises
(excluding stock bro
cker sub-broker) - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
12-Factor income of
the enterprise duri
ng last 30 days (onl
y for non-financial
enterprises) - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
13-Inventories duri
ng the reference yea
r for enterprises pr
oviding data from bo
oks of accounts. - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
14- Particulars of
use of information a
nd communication tec
hnology(ICT) by the
enterprise with 10 o
r more workers durin
g last 365 days - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
15-Particulars of f
ield operation - (Semi-Round-2)- Bloc
k 1-Identification o
f sample enterprises - (Semi-Round-2)- Bloc
k 2-Particulars of o
peration and backgro
und information - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
2pt1-Activities pur
sued by the enterpri
se during last 30 da
ys ended. - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
3-Principal operati
ng expenses during l
ast 30 days - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
4-Other operating e
xpenses during last
30 days - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
5-Principal receipt
s during last 30 day
s - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
6-Other receipts du
ring last 30 days - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
7-Calculation of gr
oss value added duri
ng last 30 days - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
8-Employment partic
ulars of the enterpr
ise during last 30 d
ays - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
9-Compensation to w
orkers during last 3
0 days. - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
10-Land and fixed a
ssets owned and hire
d as on the last dat
e of reference year
and monthly rent pay
able on hired assets - (Semi-Round-2)- Bloc
k 10pt1-Original val
ue of plant and mach
inery equipment - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
11- Loan outstandin
g as on last date of
the reference year - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
11pt1-The amount of
loan advanced by fi
nancial enterprises
(excluding stock bro
cker sub-broker) - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
12-Factor income of
the enterprise duri
ng last 30 days (onl
y for non-financial
enterprises) - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
13-Inventories duri
ng the reference yea
r for enterprises pr
oviding data from bo
oks of accounts - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
14- Particulars of
use of information a
nd communication tec
hnology(ICT) by the
enterprise with 10 o
r more workers durin
g last 365 days - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
15-Particulars of f
ield operation
Variable Groups
File: (Semi-Round-2)-Block 4-Other operating expenses during last 30 days
File: (Semi-Round-2)-Block 4-Other operating expenses during last 30 days
Discrete Format: character Width: 3 | Valid cases: 967556 Invalid: 0 |
Value | Category | Cases | |
011 | 5728 | 0.6% | |
012 | 7116 | 0.7% | |
013 | 10358 | 1.1% | |
014 | 975 | 0.1% | |
021 | 8998 | 0.9% | |
022 | 7788 | 0.8% | |
031 | 12548 | 1.3% | |
032 | 20657 | 2.1% | |
041 | 3731 | 0.4% | |
051 | 15155 | 1.6% | |
061 | 24836 | 2.6% | |
062 | 11714 | 1.2% | |
071 | 30258 | 3.1% | |
081 | 8014 | 0.8% | |
082 | 14288 | 1.5% | |
083 | 2915 | 0.3% | |
084 | 3892 | 0.4% | |
085 | 6642 | 0.7% | |
091 | 20775 | 2.1% | |
092 | 15730 | 1.6% | |
093 | 35604 | 3.7% | |
094 | 4169 | 0.4% | |
095 | 22070 | 2.3% | |
101 | 17162 | 1.8% | |
102 | 16768 | 1.7% | |
111 | 2152 | 0.2% | |
121 | 2934 | 0.3% | |
131 | 4910 | 0.5% | |
141 | 2371 | 0.2% | |
142 | 1907 | 0.2% | |
151 | 3139 | 0.3% | |
161 | 7131 | 0.7% | |
171 | 5365 | 0.6% | |
181 | 5653 | 0.6% | |
182 | 10402 | 1.1% | |
183 | 3361 | 0.3% | |
184 | 4835 | 0.5% | |
191 | 5716 | 0.6% | |
192 | 16816 | 1.7% | |
193 | 18399 | 1.9% | |
194 | 16598 | 1.7% | |
195 | 7229 | 0.7% | |
201 | 7969 | 0.8% | |
202 | 12608 | 1.3% | |
211 | 11665 | 1.2% | |
212 | 9981 | 1.0% | |
213 | 7545 | 0.8% | |
221 | 1930 | 0.2% | |
222 | 15330 | 1.6% | |
223 | 2971 | 0.3% | |
231 | 10812 | 1.1% | |
232 | 8178 | 0.8% | |
233 | 13941 | 1.4% | |
234 | 10306 | 1.1% | |
235 | 5422 | 0.6% | |
236 | 7958 | 0.8% | |
241 | 14695 | 1.5% | |
242 | 11270 | 1.2% | |
243 | 1958 | 0.2% | |
244 | 1377 | 0.1% | |
245 | 10959 | 1.1% | |
251 | 1012 | 0.1% | |
261 | 1247 | 0.1% | |
271 | 23234 | 2.4% | |
272 | 24080 | 2.5% | |
273 | 6512 | 0.7% | |
274 | 10894 | 1.1% | |
275 | 9444 | 1.0% | |
276 | 3551 | 0.4% | |
281 | 11870 | 1.2% | |
282 | 13492 | 1.4% | |
285 | 11717 | 1.2% | |
291 | 9355 | 1.0% | |
292 | 5869 | 0.6% | |
293 | 20044 | 2.1% | |
294 | 17835 | 1.8% | |
301 | 3085 | 0.3% | |
311 | 604 | 0.1% | |
321 | 18048 | 1.9% | |
322 | 27447 | 2.8% | |
331 | 29830 | 3.1% | |
332 | 13106 | 1.4% | |
333 | 21302 | 2.2% | |
334 | 29292 | 3.0% | |
341 | 4670 | 0.5% | |
351 | 2418 | 0.2% | |
361 | 25480 | 2.6% | |
362 | 8434 | 0.9% |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.