India - Household Consumer Expenditure, NSS 60th Round, Schedule 1, January - June 2004
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-60Rnd-Sch1-Jan-June2004 |
Year | 2004 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Aug 02, 2016
Last modified
Sep 02, 2016
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- Blocks 1,2_ Identifi
cation of sample hou
sehold - Block 3_Household Ch
aracteristics - Block 4_Person recor
ds - Block 5_Monthly hous
ehold expenditure on
cereals, pulses, mi
lk, sugar and salt - Block 6_Weekly consu
mption of edible oil
, egg, fish and meat
, vegetables, fruits
, spices, beverages
and processed food a
nd pan, tobacco and
intoxicants - Block 7_Monthly cons
umption of fuel &
; light - Block 8_Annual consu
mption of clothing - Block 9_Annual consu
mption of footwear - Block 10_Annual expe
nditure on education
and medical (instit
utional) goods and s
ervices - Block 11_Monthly exp
enditure on miscella
neous goods and serv
ices including medic
al (non-institutiona
l), rents and taxes - Block 12_Annual expe
nditure for purchase
and construction (i
ncluding repair and
maintenance) of dura
ble goods for domest
ic use
Variable Groups
No. In use
File: Block 12_Annual expenditure for purchase and construction (including repair and maintenance) of durable goods for domestic use
File: Block 12_Annual expenditure for purchase and construction (including repair and maintenance) of durable goods for domestic use
Continuous Format: numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Range: 0-31 | Valid cases: 172851 Invalid: 119841 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 31 Mean: 1.8 Standard deviation: 1.6 |
Questions and instructions
Literal question
How many durable items are being used by the household since last 365 days?
Interviewer instructions
The number in use on the date of survey of each item of durable goods will be entered in this column. It will also include those items which may not be in use temporarily but are likely to be put into use after repair/necessary servicing. For certain items the entry cell has been shaded in this column; it means column (3) need not be filled in.