India - Unorganised Service Sector: NSS 57th Round, Schedule 2.345, July 2001 - June 2002
Reference ID | IND-NSSO-57Rnd-Sch2.345-US-2002 |
Year | 2001 - 2002 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | NSSO |
Sponsor(s) | Ministry of Statiistics and PI - MOSPI, Government of India - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Jul 29, 2016
Last modified
Sep 02, 2016
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Sampling Procedure
A stratified multi-stage design will be followed for this survey. The first stage units (FSUs) will be villages (Panchayat words for Kerala) / UFS blocks (words for 66 towns of Karnataka where UFS blocks were not used during EC'98 work) [hereinafter referred to as 66 towns of Karnataka] and the ultimate stage units (USUs) will be enterprises under coverage and households. However, in the case of larger FSUs requiring hg / sb formation, one intermediate stage will be the selection of hg's / sb's.Sampling of strata: List of Economic Census 1998 (EC'98) villages (Panchayat words for Kerala) / UFS blocks (words for 66 towns of Karnataka) will be taken as the sampling frame for FSUs.
formation of strata: Stratification is to be made on the basis of number of workers in unorganized sector enterprises engaged in the activities under coverage of NSS 57th round as per EC'98. (Hereafter, "workers" will mean workers in unorganized sector enterprises engaged in the activities under coverage of NSS 57th round as per EC '98).
a) Special stratum : One special stratum for Rural and Urban sector each may be formed at the State / UT level consisting of all the FSUs of the State / UT (i) having at least one big unit of an activity under coverage on the basis of its number of workers or (ii) having large number of workers engaged in the same activity as in (i). The cut-off points for identifying these FSUs are given in Statement 1. All the FSUs of the special strata will be surveyed. The stratum number for special stratum will be 9 for each State or UT.
b) General Strata (hereafter, stratum will refer to general stratum unless otherwise mentioned) will be formed form the remaining FSUs in the following manner:
Rural: In the rural areas each NSS region will be treated as a stratum.
Urban: In the urban areas, the strata will be formed within an NSS region as under:
(i) towns with population (P) less than or equal to 10 lakhs and
(ii) each town with P > 10 lakhs.
as per Population Census 1991.
Further details on sampling design is available in External Resources.
Deviations from Sample Design
There was no deviation from the original sampling design
WGT- Multiplier has been provided along with NS Count for sub-sample and combined. This should be used for deriving actual multiplier for Sub sample and Combined sample.