India - Household Consumer Expenditure, NSS 57th Round, Schedule 1, July 2001 - June 2002
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-57Rnd-Sch1.0-2001 |
Year | 2001 - 2002 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Jul 29, 2016
Last modified
Sep 02, 2016
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Sampling Procedure
Sample DesignA stratified multi-stage design was followed for this survey. The first stage units (FSUs) were villages (Panchayat wards for Kerala) / UFS blocks (wards for 61 towns of Karnataka where UFS blocks were not used during EC '98 work) [hereinafter referred to as 61 towns of Karnataka] and the ultimate stage units (USUs) were enterprises and households. For larger FSUs requiring hamlet group (hg)/ sub-block (sb) formation, another stage was the selection of hg's / sb's.
Sampling frame:
List of EconomicCensus 1998 (EC '98) villages (Panchayat wards for Kerala) / UFS blocks (wards for 61 towns of Karnataka) was taken as the sampling frame for FSUs. General strata was formed from the
remaining FSUs in the following manner.
Rural: In the rural areas each NSS region was treated as a stratum.
Urban: In the urban areas, strata was formed within an NSS region as under:
(i) towns with population (P) less than or equal to 10 lakhs and
(ii) each town with P > 10 lakhs as per Population Census 1991.
Total sample size (FSUs):
A total of 15869 samples (FSUs) were allocated for the central sample in this round. The corresponding figure for state sample was 17291. All states and UTs (except A & N Islands, Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Lakshadweep) participated at least on an equal matching basis.
Two different weights have been provided in each file in the data set. Details are as follows:-1. Weight for each sub sample is stored in the variable name : Wgt_SubSample
2. Combined subsample weight is stored in the variable name : Wgt_Combined