India - Household Consumer Expenditure: NSS 38th Round, Schedule 1, January - December 1983
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-38Rnd-Sch1.0-1983 |
Year | 0 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Aug 22, 2015
Last modified
Aug 22, 2015
Page views
- Blocks 1,3 and 10- H
ousehold Characteris
tics - Block 4 - Food intak
e - Block 5 - Monthly ho
usehold expenditure
on food and non food
items - Block 6pt1 - Monthly
household expenditu
re on clothing - Block 6pt2 - Househo
ld expenditure on cl
othing - Block 7pt1 - Monthly
household expenditu
re on footwear - Block 7pt2 - Househo
ld expenditure on fo
otwear - Block 8 - Monthly ho
usehold expenditure
on misc. goods and s
ervices - Block 9pt1 - Monthly
household expenditu
re for purchase of d
urables - Block 9pt1 - Househo
ld expenditure for p
urchase of durables - Block 9pt2 - Monthly
household expenditu
re for construction
& repair of dura
bles - Block 9pt2 - Househo
ld expenditure for c
onstruction & re
pair of durables
Variable Groups
Data Description
File | Description | Cases | Variables |
Blocks 1,3 and 10- Household Characteristics | Household characteristics like, household size, principal industry-occupation, social group, land possessed and cultivated, type of dwelling etc. are recorded in these blocks. | 117604 | 53 |
Block 4 - Food intake | In this dataset primarily information on food intake is provided. | 117423 | 40 |
Block 5 - Monthly household expenditure on food and non food items | Block 5 contains information on cash purchase, consumption out of home-grown stock and total consumption of food, pan, tobacco, intoxicants and fuel and light during the last 30 days. | 3428080 | 22 |
Block 6pt1 - Monthly household expenditure on clothing | Block 6.1 contains information on cash purchase, consumption out of home-grown stock and total consumption of clothing during the last 30 days. | 88816 | 23 |
Block 6pt2 - Household expenditure on clothing | Block 6.1 contains information on cash purchase, consumption out of home-grown stock and total consumption of clothing during the last 365 days. | 607025 | 23 |
Block 7pt1 - Monthly household expenditure on footwear | Block 7.1 contains information on cash purchase, consumption out of home-grown stock and total consumption of footwear during the last 30 days. | 26611 | 22 |
Block 7pt2 - Household expenditure on footwear | Block 7.1 contains information on cash purchase, consumption out of home-grown stock and total consumption of footwear during the last 365 days. | 142448 | 22 |
Block 8 - Monthly household expenditure on misc. goods and services | Block 8 contains information on household expenditure (cash & kind) on miscellaneous goods and services and rents and taxes during the last 30 days. | 836531 | 18 |
Block 9pt1 - Monthly household expenditure for purchase of durables | Block 9.1 contains information on household expenditure for purchase (cash & kind) of durable goods and selected miscellaneous goods and services (nor included in block 8) for domestic use during the last 30 days. | 54043 | 21 |
Block 9pt1 - Household expenditure for purchase of durables | Block 9.1 contains information on household expenditure for purchase (cash & kind) of durable goods and selected miscellaneous goods and services (nor included in block 8) for domestic use during the last 365 days. | 319833 | 21 |
Block 9pt2 - Monthly household expenditure for construction & repair of durables | Block 9.2 contains information on household expenditure (cash and kind) for construction and repairs of durable goods and selected miscellaneous goods and services (not included in block 8) for domestic use during the last 30 days. | 14311 | 19 |
Block 9pt2 - Household expenditure for construction & repair of durables | Block 9.2 contains information on household expenditure (cash and kind) for construction and repairs of durable goods and selected miscellaneous goods and services (not included in block 8) for domestic use during the last 365 days. | 88525 | 19 |