India - Household Consumer Expenditure Survey: 64th Round, Schedule 1.0, July 2007 - June 2008
Reference ID | DDI-IND-NSSO-64-SCHEDULE-1.0 |
Year | 0 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office,NSSO |
Sponsor(s) | Ministry of Statistics & P.i, Govenment of Indis - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata | Documentation in PDF |
Created on
Aug 21, 2015
Last modified
Aug 22, 2015
Page views
- Identification of Sa
mple Household - Household Characteri
stics - Demographic and othe
r particulars of hou
sehold members - Consumption of food,
pan, tobacco , into
xicants and fuel dur
ing the last 30 days - Consumption of cloth
ing, bedding and foo
twear during the las
t 365 days - Expenditure on educa
tion , medical (inst
itutional) goods and
services during the
last 365 days and e
xpenditutre on misce
llaneous goods and s
ervices including, r
ents and taxes durin
g the last 30 days - Expenditure for purc
hase and constructio
n (including repair
and maintenance) of
durable goods for do
mestic use during th
e last 365
Variable Groups
General Education Level(Education)
File: Demographic and other particulars of household members
File: Demographic and other particulars of household members
Discrete Format: character Width: 2 | Valid cases: 242369 Invalid: 0 |
general educational level (code): Information regarding the level of general education attained by the members of the household listed will be recorded in this column. For the purpose of making entries in this column, only the course successfully completed will be considered. For instance, for a person who has studied up to say, first year B.A., educational attainment will be considered as 'higher secondary' (code 10). For a person who has studied up to 12th standard but has not appeared for the final examination or has failed, educational attainment will be considered under 'secondary' (code 08). The relevant codes to be used for recording entries in this column are:
not literate -01, literate without any schooling -02,
literate without formal schooling:
through NFEC/AIEP -03, literate through TLC/AEC -04, others -05,
literate with formal schooling including EGS:
below primary -06, primary -07, upper primary/ middle -08, secondary -10,
higher secondary -11, diploma/certificate course -12, graduate -13,
postgraduate and above -14 , NR - XX
A person who can both read and write a simple message with understanding in at least one language is to be considered literate. Those who are not able to do so are to be considered not literate and will be assigned code 01. Those who achieve literacy without any schooling will be given code 02. Some persons achieve literacy by attending Non-formal Education Courses (NFEC) or Alternative Innovative Education Programme (AIEP). Such persons will be given code 03. Those who achieve literacy through Adult Education Centres (AEC) or Total Literacy Campaign (TLC) will be given code 04. Those who achieve literacy without any formal schooling and not through NFEC/AIEP/TLC/AEC will be given code 05. Those who are by definition literate through formal schooling but are yet to pass primary standard examination will be assigned code 06. Similarly codes 07, 08, and 10 to 14 will be assigned to those who have passed the appropriate levels. The criteria for deciding primary, middle, secondary, etc. levels will be that followed in the concerned States/Union Territories. Persons who have attained proficiency in Oriental languages (e.g., Sanskrit, Persian, etc.) through formal but not through the general type of education will be classified appropriately at the equivalent level of general education standard. To those who have completed some diploma or certificate course in general, technical education or vocational education which is equivalent to below graduation level, code 12 will be assigned. On the other hand, code 13 will be given to those who have obtained degree or diploma or certificate in general, technical education or vocational education, which is equivalent to graduation level. Similarly, code 14 will be assigned to those who have obtained degree or diploma or certificate in general or technical education, which is equivalent to post-graduation level and above.
not literate -01, literate without any schooling -02,
literate without formal schooling:
through NFEC/AIEP -03, literate through TLC/AEC -04, others -05,
literate with formal schooling including EGS:
below primary -06, primary -07, upper primary/ middle -08, secondary -10,
higher secondary -11, diploma/certificate course -12, graduate -13,
postgraduate and above -14 , NR - XX
A person who can both read and write a simple message with understanding in at least one language is to be considered literate. Those who are not able to do so are to be considered not literate and will be assigned code 01. Those who achieve literacy without any schooling will be given code 02. Some persons achieve literacy by attending Non-formal Education Courses (NFEC) or Alternative Innovative Education Programme (AIEP). Such persons will be given code 03. Those who achieve literacy through Adult Education Centres (AEC) or Total Literacy Campaign (TLC) will be given code 04. Those who achieve literacy without any formal schooling and not through NFEC/AIEP/TLC/AEC will be given code 05. Those who are by definition literate through formal schooling but are yet to pass primary standard examination will be assigned code 06. Similarly codes 07, 08, and 10 to 14 will be assigned to those who have passed the appropriate levels. The criteria for deciding primary, middle, secondary, etc. levels will be that followed in the concerned States/Union Territories. Persons who have attained proficiency in Oriental languages (e.g., Sanskrit, Persian, etc.) through formal but not through the general type of education will be classified appropriately at the equivalent level of general education standard. To those who have completed some diploma or certificate course in general, technical education or vocational education which is equivalent to below graduation level, code 12 will be assigned. On the other hand, code 13 will be given to those who have obtained degree or diploma or certificate in general, technical education or vocational education, which is equivalent to graduation level. Similarly, code 14 will be assigned to those who have obtained degree or diploma or certificate in general or technical education, which is equivalent to post-graduation level and above.
Questions and instructions
Value | Category | Cases | |
01 | not literate | 70044 | 28.9% |
02 | literate without formal schooling | 1327 | 0.5% |
03 | literate without formal schooling: through literate without formal schoolingNFEC/AIEP | 457 | 0.2% |
04 | literate without formal schooling:through TLC/ AEC | 372 | 0.2% |
05 | others | 720 | 0.3% |
06 | literate with formal schooling including EGS: below primary | 36400 | 15.0% |
07 | primary | 34100 | 14.1% |
08 | upper primary/middle -08 | 36316 | 15.0% |
10 | secondary | 25958 | 10.7% |
11 | higher secondary | 16499 | 6.8% |
12 | diploma/certificate course | 2116 | 0.9% |
13 | graduate | 13930 | 5.7% |
14 | postgraduate and above | 3956 | 1.6% |
XX | NR | 174 | 0.1% |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.
The relevant codes to be used for recording entries in this column are:
not literate -01, literate without any schooling -02,
literate without formal schooling:
through NFEC/AIEP -03, literate through TLC/AEC -04, others -05,
literate with formal schooling including EGS:
below primary -06, primary -07, upper primary/ middle -08, secondary -10,
higher secondary -11, diploma/certificate course -12, graduate -13,
postgraduate and above -14.
not literate -01, literate without any schooling -02,
literate without formal schooling:
through NFEC/AIEP -03, literate through TLC/AEC -04, others -05,
literate with formal schooling including EGS:
below primary -06, primary -07, upper primary/ middle -08, secondary -10,
higher secondary -11, diploma/certificate course -12, graduate -13,
postgraduate and above -14.