India - Housing Condition and Migration Survey: NSS 49th Round, Schedule 1.2, January - June 1993
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-49Rnd-Sch1dot2-1993 |
Year | 1993 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Mar 11, 2016
Last modified
Mar 31, 2016
Page views
- Block-3-Part-1-house
hold characteristics
records - Block-3-Part-2-Perso
ns--Particulars of p
ast members outside-
records - Block-4-Persons-Demo
graphic and migratio
n particulars-record
s - Block-5-Building and
environment particu
lars- Records - Block-6-Particulars
of dwelling-Records - Block-7-Particulars
of living facilities
-Records - Block-8-Part-1--Part
iculars of building
construction for res
idential purpose-Rec
ords - Block-8-Part-2--Part
iculars of building
construction for res
idential purpose-Rec
ords - Block-8-Part-3--Part
iculars of building
construction for res
idential purpose-Rec
ords - Block-9-Particulars
of dwelling-land own
ed elsewhere-Records - Block-10-Use of publ
ic distribution syst
em-Records - Block-11-General par
ticulars of slum dwe
Data Description
File | Description | Cases | Variables |
Block-3-Part-1-household characteristics records | As Part-1 of block-3 (i.e.upto Q.11),this data set contains certain information pertaining to the household as a whole | 119421 | 39 |
Block-3-Part-2-Persons--Particulars of past members outside-records | As Part-2 of block-3 (i.e. Q.12 all columns),this data set contains movement particulars of the individuals who were once part of the household but is now residing in another state in India or abroad. | 17292 | 33 |
Block-4-Persons-Demographic and migration particulars-records | This dataset contains the demographic and migration particulars of each member of the household . | 596712 | 47 |
Block-5-Building and environment particulars- Records | Information relating to the building as a whole in which the sample household lives and particulars relating to the environment of the building contained in this dataset of block-5. | 119403 | 39 |
Block-6-Particulars of dwelling-Records | Dataset of this block contains details regarding the living accommodation occupied by the household. The items covered are mainly some structural aspects of the dwelling unit occupied by the sample household. | 119403 | 42 |
Block-7-Particulars of living facilities-Records | Information relating to housing amenities such as drinking water , sanitation , lighting , cooking , electricity and electric fittings and fixtures are cotained in ths dataset. | 119397 | 49 |
Block-8-Part-1--Particulars of building construction for residential purpose-Records | Some general particulars of the building construction made during the last 5 years by the sample household for residential purposes arecollected and recorded in this block. Provision made to record the particulars of 5 building constructions. As part-1 of the dataset Q. 2 to 8 are covered. | 17651 | 31 |
Block-8-Part-2--Particulars of building construction for residential purpose-Records | Some general particulars of the building construction made during the last 5 years by the sample household for residential purposes arecollected and recorded in this block. Provision made to record the particulars of 5 building constructions. As part-2 of this dataset, Source of finance (Q. 9-(a) to (j) are covered. | 17553 | 35 |
Block-8-Part-3--Particulars of building construction for residential purpose-Records | Some general particulars of the building construction made during the last 5 years by the sample household for residential purposes arecollected and recorded in this block. Provision made to record the particulars of 5 building constructions. As part-3 of the dataset,Cost of construction ( Q. 10 (a) to (d) ) are covered. | 7484 | 33 |
Block-9-Particulars of dwelling-land owned elsewhere-Records | This block contains the information regarding the dwelling unit / land owned by the sample household at places other than the one in which the household is presently residing. | 119264 | 33 |
Block-10-Use of public distribution system-Records | Information on the off take of essential commodities from public distribution system (pds) as well as other sources in terms of both the quantity and value of the goods purchased and also the reasons for not utilising the pds in respect of the different items of purchase are the content of this dataset. | 699582 | 37 |
Block-11-General particulars of slum dwellers-Records | Some broad information about the slum dwellers in regard to their stay in the slum, reason for movement to the slum, whether received/expects any benefit as a slum dweller, whether tried to move out of the slum etc., are the content of this dataset. | 11322 | 32 |