India - Annual Survey of Industries 2015-16
Reference ID | IND-CSO-ASI-2015-16 |
Year | 0 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | Central Statistics Office (Industrial Statistics Wing) - Ministry of Statistics and P.I, Govt. of India |
Sponsor(s) | Government of India - GOI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Nov 11, 2022
Last modified
Nov 22, 2022
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Sampling Procedure
The sampling design adopted in ASI has undergone considerable changes from time to time, taking into account the technical and other requirements. From ASI 2015-16, a new sampling design is adopted following the recommendations of the Sub-Group of the SCIS under the Chairmanship of Dr. G.C. Manna and approved by the SCIS and the National Statistical Commission (NSC) subsequently.
According to the new sampling design, all the units in the updated frame are divided into two parts - Central Sample and State Sample. The Central Sample consists of two schemes: Census and Sample. Under Census scheme, all the units are surveyed.
(1) Census Scheme:
(i) All industrial units belonging to the seven less industrially developed States/ UTs viz. Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura and Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
(ii) For the States/ UTs other than those mentioned in (i),
(a) units having 75 or more employees from six States, namely, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar, Chhattisgarh and Kerala;
(b) units having 50 or more employees from three States/UTs, namely, Chandigarh, Delhi and Puducherry;
(c) units having 100 or more employees for rest of the States/UTs, not mentioned in (a) and (b) above and;
(d) all factories covered under 'Joint Return' (JR), where JR should be allowed when the two or more units located in the same State/UT, same sector and belongto the same industry (3-digit level of NIC-2008) under the same management.
(iii) After excluding the Census Scheme units in the above manner, all units belonging to the strata (State x District x Sector x 3 digit NIC-2008) having less than or equal to 4 units are also considered under Census Scheme. It may be noted that strata are separately formed under three sectors considered as Bidi, Manufacturing and Electricity.
(2) All the remaining units in the frame are considered under Sample Scheme. For all the states, each stratum is formed on the basis of State x District x Sector x 3-digit NIC-2008. The units are arranged in descending order of their total number of employees. Samples are drawn using Circular Systematic Sampling technique for this scheme. An even number of units with a minimum of 4 units are selected and distributed in four sub-samples. It may be noted that in certain cases each of 4 sub-samples from a particular stratum may not have equal number of units.
(3) Out of these 4 sub-samples, two pre-assigned sub-samples (1 & 3) are given to NSSO (FOD) and the other two-subsamples (2 & 4) are given to concerned State/UT for data collection.
(4) Allcensus units plus all the units belonging to the two sub-samples given to NSSO (FOD) are treated as the Central Sample.
(5) All census units plus all the units belonging to the two sub-samples given to State/UT are treated as the State Sample. Hence, State/UT has to use Census Units (collected by NSSO (FOD) and processed by CSO (IS Wing)) along with their sub-samples while deriving the state level estimates for their respective State/UT based on State Sample.
(6) All census units plus all the units belonging to the two sub-samples given to NSSO (FOD) plus all the units belonging to the two sub-samples given to State/UT are required for obtaining pooled estimates based on Central Sample and State Sample with increased sample size.
Multiplier is the weighing variable from Block A : Identification Block.
For Census data Multiplier has been given weight as 1.