India - Annual Survey of Industries 2014-15
Reference ID | IND-CSO-ASI-2014-15 |
Year | 2015 - 2016 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | Central Statistics Office (Industrial Statistics Wing) - Ministry of Statistics & P.I, Govt. of India |
Sponsor(s) | Government of India - GOI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Mar 27, 2018
Last modified
Mar 28, 2018
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Sampling Procedure
The sampling design adopted in ASI has undergone considerable changes from time to time, taking into account the technical and other requirements. The earlier sampling design had been adopted from ASI 2007-08 to ASI 2011-12. From ASI 2012-13, a new sampling design has been adopted following the recommendation of Dr. S. L.Shetty Committee and approved by the SCIS subsequently. According to the new sampling design, all the factories in the updated frame are divided into two sectors, viz., Census and Sample.
Census Sector: Census Sector consists of the following units:
a) All industrial units belonging to the six less industrially developed states/ UT's viz.Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura and Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
b) For the rest of the twenty-six states/ UT's., (i) units having 100 or more employees, and (ii) all factories covered under Joint Returns.
c) After excluding the Census scheme units, as defined above, all units belonging to the strata (District x 4 digit NIC 2008) having less than or equal to 4 units are also considered under Census Scheme.
Sample Sector
Remaining units, excluding those of Census Sector, called the sample sector, are arranged in order of their number of employees and samples are then drawn circular systematically considering sampling fraction, say 20%, within each stratum (District X Sector X 4-digit NIC) in the form of 4 independent subsamples. This will be done for each district and thus, for each State/UT. An even number of units with a minimum of 4 are selected from each stratum and evenly distributed in four subsamples.
The sectors considered here are 'Bidi', 'Manufacturing' and 'Electricity'.
Allocation of Samples: All the units belonging to the Census Sector together with selected units of 2 sub-samples, say, of sub-samples 1 and 3 will form the central sample and information for these units will be collected and processed by the Central Agency (i.e., NSSO and CSO(ISW)). After selecting the central sample in the way mentioned above, the units selected for the remaining 2 sub-samples, say, of sub-samples 2 and 4 will be allocated for each State/UT separately. Validated state-wise unit-level data of the central sample will also be sent to the states for pooling this data with their surveyed data to get a combined estimate at the sub-state level
Multiplier is the weighing variable from Block A : Identification Block.
For Census data Multiplier has been given weight as 1.