India - Domestic Tourism Expenditure: NSS 72nd round, Schedule 21.1, July 2014 - June 2015
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-72Rnd-Sch21.1-July2014-June2015 |
Year | 2014 - 2015 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Nov 04, 2016
Last modified
Nov 21, 2016
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- Block 1 & Block
2 - Identification o
f sample household a
nd particulars of fi
eld opeation - Block 3 - Household
Characteristics - Block 4 - Demographi
c and other particul
ars of household mem
bers - Block 5
- Block 5.2 - Particul
ars of overnight tri
ps completed by hous
ehold members during
last 30 days. - Block 6.1 - Particul
ars of expenditure (
`) for all trips in
last 365 days covere
d in block 5 - Block 6.1 - Particul
ars of expenditure (
`) for all trips in
last 365 days covere
d in block 5 - Block 6.1 - Particul
ars of expenditure (
`) for all trips in
last 365 days covere
d in block 5 - Block 6.1 - Particul
ars of expenditure (
`) for all trips in
last 365 days covere
d in block 5 - Block 6.1 - Particul
ars of expenditure (
`) for all trips in
last 365 days covere
d in block 5 - Block 6.2 - Particul
ars of expenditure (
`) for all trips in
last 30 days covered
in block 5 - Block 6.2 - Particul
ars of expenditure (
`) for all trips in
last 30 days covered
in block 5 - Block 6.2 - Particul
ars of expenditure (
`) for all trips in
last 30 days covered
in block 5 - Block 6.2 - Particul
ars of expenditure (
`) for all trips in
last 30 days covered
in block 5 - Block 6.2 - Particul
ars of expenditure (
`) for all trips in
last 30 days covered
in block 5 - Block 7 - Particular
s and expenditure (
' ) of same - day tr
ips completed by hou
sehold members durin
g last 30 days. - Block 8 - Particular
s and expenditure (
' ) of special domes
tic trips of duratio
n of more than 180 d
ays but up to 365 da
ys, completed by hou
sehold members durin
g last 365 days.
Variable Groups
Data Description
File | Description | Cases | Variables |
Block 1 & Block 2 - Identification of sample household and particulars of field opeation | Identification particulars of the sample household were recorded in block 1 and the names of the Field Investigator(s)/ ASO(s), SO, their signatures, dates of survey/ inspection/scrutiny, despatch etc. were recorded in block 2. | 139688 | 39 |
Block 3 - Household Characteristics | Certain household characteristics, such as, household size, principal industry, principal occupation, household type, religion, social-group, household usual consumption expenditure in a month will be recorded in this block. | 139688 | 31 |
Block 4 - Demographic and other particulars of household members | In this block, demographic particulars (viz., relation to head, sex, age, and marital status), educational level, usual principal activity status were recorded for each member of the household. | 645852 | 31 |
Block 5 | Particulars of overnight trips completed by household members during last 365 days (for health & medical; holidaying, leisure and recreation; and shopping) | 219870 | 39 |
Block 5.2 - Particulars of overnight trips completed by household members during last 30 days. | Particulars of overnight trips completed by household members during last 30 days for business, social (including visiting friends and relatives, attending marriages, etc.), pilgrimage & religious activities, education & training, others] | 189670 | 39 |
Block 6.1 - Particulars of expenditure (`) for all trips in last 365 days covered in block 5 | Particulars of expenditure (`) for all trips in last 365 days covered in block 5.1 were collected. | 71899 | 40 |
Block 6.1 - Particulars of expenditure (`) for all trips in last 365 days covered in block 5 | Particulars of expenditure (`) for all trips in last 365 days covered in block 5.1 were collected. | 71899 | 33 |
Block 6.1 - Particulars of expenditure (`) for all trips in last 365 days covered in block 5 | Particulars of expenditure (`) for all trips in last 365 days covered in block 5.1 were collected. | 71899 | 36 |
Block 6.1 - Particulars of expenditure (`) for all trips in last 365 days covered in block 5 | Particulars of expenditure (`) for all trips in last 365 days covered in block 5.1 were collected. | 71899 | 34 |
Block 6.1 - Particulars of expenditure (`) for all trips in last 365 days covered in block 5 | Particulars of expenditure (`) for all trips in last 365 days covered in block 5.1 were collected. | 71899 | 31 |
Block 6.2 - Particulars of expenditure (`) for all trips in last 30 days covered in block 5 | Particulars of expenditure (`) for all trips in last 365 days covered in block 5.1 were collected. | 62181 | 40 |
Block 6.2 - Particulars of expenditure (`) for all trips in last 30 days covered in block 5 | Particulars of expenditure (`) for all trips in last 365 days covered in block 5.1 were collected. | 62181 | 33 |
Block 6.2 - Particulars of expenditure (`) for all trips in last 30 days covered in block 5 | Particulars of expenditure (`) for all trips in last 365 days covered in block 5.1 were collected. | 62181 | 36 |
Block 6.2 - Particulars of expenditure (`) for all trips in last 30 days covered in block 5 | Particulars of expenditure (`) for all trips in last 365 days covered in block 5.1 were collected. | 62181 | 34 |
Block 6.2 - Particulars of expenditure (`) for all trips in last 30 days covered in block 5 | Particulars of expenditure (`) for all trips in last 365 days covered in block 5.1 were collected. | 62181 | 31 |
Block 7 - Particulars and expenditure ( ' ) of same - day trips completed by household members during last 30 days. | In this block all particulars and expenditure details of the same-day trips completed in the last 30 days by the household were recorded. | 103298 | 37 |
Block 8 - Particulars and expenditure ( ' ) of special domestic trips of duration of more than 180 days but up to 365 days, completed by household members during last 365 days. | In this block all particulars and expenditure details of special domestic trips of duration of more than 180 days but less than or equal to 365 days, completed by household members during last 365 days are to be covered. | 813 | 28 |