India - Employment and Unemployment Survey: NSS 43rd Round, Schedule 10, July 1987 - June 1988
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-43Rnd-Sch10-1987-88 |
Year | 1987 - 1988 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
![]() |
Created on
Aug 26, 2015
Last modified
Aug 27, 2015
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- Block-1-3-Household-
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sposion-Records - Block-6--Persons-Usu
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on-Records - Block-7-Persons- usu
de-11to94-Records - Block-8-Domestic-dut
ies-Persons Records - Block-9-Household-Lo
Variable Groups
Data Description
Data File: Block-1-3-Household-Records
Content | This file contains responses relating to questions from Blocks 1 and 3 of the questionnaire such as the identification particulars of the sample household, household characteristics, particulars regarding the extent of the use of hired labour for work in household enterprises and information as to whether the household received any assistance under IRDP, etc. Also included are the weights to be used at various levels. |
Cases | 129194 |
Variable(s) | 46 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: Hhold_key (Key to identify household) |
Producer | NSSO |
Name | Label | Question | |
Hhold_key | Key to identify household | ||
Sample | Sample | Central or State sample? | |
Sector | Sector | Sector code | |
State | State | State Code | |
Region | Region | Region Code | |
District | District code | District code | |
Vill_Blk_No | Sample Village/Block No. | ||
Stratum | Stratum | ||
Subsample | Sub-sample | Sub-Sample | |
Subround | Sub-round | Sub round | |
FSU_SlNo | Village/Block Serial No(First Stage Unit) (FSU) | Serial number of village/block | |
Sub_stratum | Sub-stratum | ||
Hhold_No | Household Serial no. | Serial number of sample Household | |
B1_q12 | Sex of Head of Hhold | Sex code of head of Household | |
B1_q19 | Survey sequence code | Suvey sequence code | |
B1_q20 | Informant code | Who is the informant? | |
B1_q21 | Type of informant code | Type of Informant | |
B1_q22 | Survey code | ||
B1_q23 | Reason for casualty code | Reason for casualty c(ode) | |
B3_q1_Hhsize | Hhold size | Household Size | |
B3_q2 | Hhold NIC-NCO code | Industry and Occupation of the Hiusehold as per codelist | |
B3_q3 | Household type code | Household Type | |
B3_q4_Relgn | Hhold relligion code | Household Religion (code) | |
B3_q5_Hgrup | Hhold group code | ||
B3_q6 | Homestead code | ||
B3_q7 | Land owned(0.00) | Land owned(0.00) | |
B3_q8 | Land leased in(0.00) | Land leased in(0.00) | |
B3_q9 | Land neither owned nor leased in(0.00) | Land leased in(0.00) | |
B3_q10 | Land leased out(0.00) | Land leased in(0.00) | |
B3_q11 | Land Total possessed(0.00) | Land Total possessed(0.00) | |
B3_q12 | Land cultivated & owned(0.00) | Land cultivated & owned(0.00) | |
B3_q13 | Land cultivated leased in(0.00) | Land cultivated leased in(0.00) | |
B3_q14 | Land cultivated neither owned nor leased in(0.00) | Land cultivated neither owned nor leased in(0.00) | |
B3_q15 | Total land cultivated(0.00) | Total land cultivated(0.00) | |
B3_q16 | Land irrigated(0.00 Hect) | Land irrigated(0.00 Hect) | |
B3_q17 | Use of hired labour for crop production code | Use of hired labour for crop production( code) | |
B3_q18 | Use of hired labour for Other productive enterprise code | Use of hired labour for Other productive enterprise code | |
B3_q19 | Hhold MPCE last month (Rs.0.00) | Hhold Monthly Per Capita Expenditure last month (Rs.0.00) | |
B3_q20a | No. of male workers | No. of male members of the household got 'work' for at least 60 days during 365-days | |
B3_q20b | No. of female workers | No. of female members of the household got 'work' for at least 60 days during 365-days | |
B3_q21 | IRDP assistance code | Did the household receive any assistance during the last 5 years from IRDP | |
B3_q22 | General Education of the Head of Hhold | ||
Wgt1_Stratm | Multiplier-I(stratum level) | ||
Wgt2_SS | Multiplier-II(sub-sample level) | ||
Wgt3_SR | Multiplier-III(Sub-round level) | ||
Wgt4_pooled | Multiplier-IV (Sub-rounds pooled) | ||
Total variable(s):
46 |